Friday, September 11, 2009


Vedic Astrology

Vedic Astrology or Vedanga Jyotisha is Jyothissastra or Jyotish in short in Sanskrit. Earliest mention of Vedic astrology comes in the Vedas, originated more than 5000 years before Christ, preceded by details of this Divine Science supposed as being revealed by Lord Siva to his Spouse Goddess Parvati. According to many others, Vedic Astrology was revealed to mankind by Lord Brahma who in his infinite wisdom is the only God amongst Gods and humans to truly know the future. Vedic Astrology cannot be taken on any level other than the level of Vedanta, since it contains the quintessence of the Philosophies of the entire world. The signs of the stars give prophesies and presages. They point out the force of supernatural things, and put forth true judgments and disclosure.
Vedanta is one of the world's most ancient religious philosophies and one of its broadest. Based on the Vedas, Vedanta affirms the oneness of existence, the divinity of the soul, and the harmony of religions. Vedanta is the philosophical foundation of Hinduism; but while Hinduism includes aspects of Indian culture, Vedanta is universal in its application and is equally relevant to all countries, all cultures, and all religious backgrounds. Vedanta came from ‘Veda’ (Knowledge) and ‘Anta’ (the end or goal). Knowledge here means God; so Vedanta is the search for God or search for self-realization. According to Vedanta, God is infinite existence, infinite consciousness, and infinite bliss. The term for this impersonal, transcendent reality is Brahman, the divine ground of being. Yet Vedanta also maintains that God can be personal as well, immanent and assuming human form in every stage. God dwells within our own hearts as the divine Self or Atman. The Atman is never born nor will it ever die. Neither stained by our failings nor affected by the fluctuations of the body or mind, the Atman is not subject to our grief or despair or disease or ignorance. Pure, perfect, free from limitations, the Atman, Vedanta declares, is one with Brahman. The greatest temple of God lies within the human heart. Our real nature is divine; God-realization is our birthright. Sooner or later, we will all manifest our divinity—either in this or in future lives—for the greatest truth of our existence is our own divine nature. Vedanta affirms that all religions teach the same basic truths about God, the world, and our relationship to one another. Thousands of years ago the Rig Veda declared: "Truth is one, Sages call it by various names." The world's religions offer varying approaches to God, each one true and valid, each religion offering the world a unique and irreplaceable path to God-realization. The conflicting messages we find among religions are due more to doctrine and dogma than to the reality of spiritual experience. While dissimilarities exist in the external observances of the world religions, the internals bear remarkable similarities. God dwells within our own hearts as the divine Self or Atman. The Atman is never born nor will it ever die. Neither stained by our failings nor affected by the fluctuations of the body or mind, the Atman is not subject to our grief or despair or disease or ignorance. Pure, perfect, free from limitations, the Atman, Vedanta declares, is one with Brahman. The greatest temple of God lies within the human heart. Our real nature is divine; God-realization is our birthright. Sooner or later, we will all manifest our divinity—either in this or in future lives—for the greatest truth of our existence is our own divine nature.
The four Vedas of the earliest Sanskrit hymns and verses are Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda, and Atharva Veda. The Atharva Veda contains plenty of references to Jyotish, used in the context of finding out auspicious times for starting rituals etc. The ancient Hindu Scriptures, accepted as Sanatana Dharma or Vaidika Dharma, considered as the breath of the Lord and comprising the greatest and voluminous literature in the whole world, in the form of Sruti or revelations, Smriti, Vedas, Brahmanas, Aranyakas, Upanishads, Tantrs, Puranas, Ithihasas and the like, extol the importance of Jyotish, in them. However Vedic Astrology or Vedanga Jyotish is supposed to be the first written documents on Astrology in its ancient form in India. Sanatana Dharma is not for any particular religion, it is for every one of us, irrespective of caste, creed, color or age. Knowingly or unknowingly, we followed many of its norms and we are still following them, and we will follow in future, for our well being. Most famous modern Philosophers and writers are seen endorsing its prospects and hopefully if followed, I feel certain that it may gradually fill the void of spiritual bankruptcy and one of its consequent results of recession, aswell.
Vedic Astrology helps to resolve doubts concerning children, health, spiritual growth, and other subjects. Suggestions regarding donations, gemstones, herbs, mantras, yantras (mystic diagrams), and rituals are integral parts of the system. As all Astrological studies are based on Astronomy, Vedic Astrology was also based on Astronomy. Aryabhatta, Bhaskaracharya, Kalidasa, Varahamihira, Bhattolpala, Jaimini etc., are a few among the world renowned Astronomers, dealt with Astrology also, in ancient India. Some others though not famous Astronomers, dedicated their lives for the cause of Astrology and contributed precious and valuable information through their hard work and research on the subject. These people with the meager resources they had, and with their naked eyes identified the various planets and measured the distance to them from the earth and found out their sizes and shapes. Their recordings when verified later with those found out with the help of telescopes invented by Galileo were exact and accurate. They predicted correctly the time of solar and lunar eclipses that are to come for many hundreds of years ahead, aswell.
Vedic Astrology is very sharp, because there is provision to go deep into the root cause of the matter since each sign and planet is divisible into 60-minute parts called the shashtyamsa. By studying these minute parts in detail the intricacies can be realized. Moreover the saptavarga and the ashtakavarga studies also reveal the manifold characteristics of various planets in detail. The planets are supposed to be hereditary transmitters from one generation to the other. Births and re-births are taken place to complete the cycle of life. The horoscope indicates the residues of the results of the deeds of the past births or ‘karma phala’. In this birth one will carry three sorts of karma, sanchitam, that is stored from the past birth, prarabdham, accumulating in this birth and agami stored for the future. The doctrine of karma says so. When the karma phala is exhausted there will be no more births. The microcosm becomes one with the macrocosm, which is the materialization of life as if a drop of water becomes one with the sea.
Amongst other amazing aspects of Vedic Astrology, the most impressive one is the Dasa System or the periods and duration of planetary cycles in human life (exclusive to Hindu Astrology) where predetermined periods are designated to the nine planets and a detailed interpretation is available at birth. The interpretation of Nakshtra or constellation of stars, is the most superior and sophisticated method of analysis. Vedic system is also the only reliable system to offer remedial measures to the adversities of malefic planets, some of which are mentioned even in the Atharva Veda. Vedic Astrology covers Karmic, Spiritual and Materialistic aspects of one's entire life with the timing of events. It is s really richer and more accurate than all other systems especially for the prediction of events with Time Frame. This, not only tell us, what is going to be happen in our life but also, when it will happen, provided the analysis is deep, authoritative,scientific,classical,unblemished,impartial,and with full Providence.Nakshatra (Star or Constellation) is further division of the Zodiac into 27 parts, each part of 13 degree 20'. This division is based on the average daily motion of the Moon, in the Indian Astrology. These Nakshatras are zone or group of stars or a major star, which are at a great distance from our Solar system. Each Nakshatra or Star is ruled by a planet, called 'Star Lord’ in this system. Two or more planets in the same RASHI (SIGN) and same BHAVa (HOUSE) in a horoscope can give different results.
Vedic Astrology is considered as the supreme knowledge granted to human being by the God, Almighty. If it is not properly used it will cause ‘tantra virodha’ causing havoc in life, to the person who misuses it. It should therefore be used only after deep study, dedication and full Providence, in its proper perspective. The three time periods namely past, present and future are supposed to be the transcendence of time and space in Vedic Astrology. It is therefore true knowledge. It is the path of eternal bliss. The conscious, unconscious and subconscious are contained in it. Old Indian sages say that no knowledge is complete with out the knowledge of Astrology. It is the most valuable possession human beings can have. Vedic Astrology can be used to find out the ways to cure diseases, to gain any knowledge, to make friends with any one and gain his intimacy, to answer questions, to lead healthier and happier life, to get through interviews, to negotiate successfully most difficult business deals, to determine the sex of a child, to gain wealth, to evaluate the position of stocks and shares, to win horse races, to speculate successfully and to lead a better, meaningful and contented life. One who uses Vedic Astrology in its proper perspective attains Moksha or eternal liberation also, through which our Creator is realized to fulfill the ultimate purpose of our life. There are so many branches to Vedic Astrology like Jathaka or Nativeity Chart; Prasna or Horary, Muhurta or Electional Astrology, Vana Nireekshana or Meteorology, Nashta Prasna or Missing persons or things, ‘Deva Prasna’ or the affairs of Temple or Church, and the affairs of all Sanctum Sanctorum, and the like. Authoritative texts are there to study deep into those subjects.
There were hundreds of thousands of books in Astrology in ancient India. Originally most of them were written in palm leaves, chemically prepared for the purpose. Almost all books were written in Sanskrit. The most voluminous literature in the world namely Tantra is also written in Sanskrit. These books were later translated into many Indian and foreign languages and were spread throughout the world. Many famous universities in the world, besides India, have manuscripts and copies of these books with them. The Vedas, Upanishads, Agamas (Sastras or science) Puranas, Ithihasas like Ramayana, Maha Bharatha, Maha Bhagavatha, Bhagavad Gita and many other books, depicting the culture and rich heritage of India and conveying the message of good will, peace, fraternity, moral principles and human values etc. were all printed originally in Sanskrit. Since these books are available in many languages, it is not difficult to get them and study by interested people

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Astrology, Some correct perspectives:

Little Introduction:

Astrology dates back from the origin of man. The word Astrology is derived from two Greek words Astra (Stars) and Logos (Study). So, Astrology is the study of Stars. Astrology is Astronomy brought to earth and applied to the affairs of men. It teaches us that the Universe is governed by a perfect system, accurately timed with marvelous precision and accomplished with unerring exactness. It is a noble Science included under Vedangas as early as around 50,000 years ago. Astrology, they proved, is an empirical science like that of Physics or Chemistry, thanks to the presence of the Sun, Moon and the stars as typical and visible evidences. The tools to prove its veracity are very limited and handful, only the Sun, Moon, Stars, the 12 signs of the Zodiac, and some planets in all, in our Solar system, which can not be brought into a test tube or a laboratory. They stand far away from us. One can not touch and feel them, but their impact on us is tremendous and foretelling.

The Impact of Planets:
It is not a secret now that each planet has its own unique polarization /frequency which all living things in the universe are affected on a cellular level. The influence of time and space of an event stamps then and there, a permanent seal on it through the planetary alignment, the forces of which are flowing around us in invisible channels directing our lives towards certain conditions, some of which can be adjusted and or modified by knowing them well in advance in the right time, some times for our favor. Astrology gives us a vague picture of almost the whole of life. It is more sophisticated and more useful than any other Science. It is really the science of the Absolute. Albert Einstein once said:
“The more I study the Universe, the more I believe in a Higher Power.”
In concluding the introduction to his Autobiography, ‘Wings of Fire’, Shri: A.P.J. Abdul Kalam writes:
“We are all born with a divine fire in us. Our efforts should be to give wings to this fire and fill the world with the glow of its goodness”.

The planets in the sky, which are within our Solar System, have impact on earth. The most important of them are the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Jupiter, Neptune, the North Node (Rahu) and the South Node (Kethu). Their route is the Zodiac, which is divided into 12 Signs, from Aries to Pisces. From the earth we see the Sun rising, moving across the sky, and setting, because of the rotation of the earth. The time it takes for the earth to rotate completely around the Sun once at a speed of around 1000 miles per hour, is what we call a day or 24 hours. Earth’s rotation gives us day and night. The earth, in its turn, revolves round the Sun, at a speed of 67,000 miles/ hour, once in around 365 days and this is the year. Since we are on the mother Earth, it is Geocentric.

Stars cannot compel; they only impel:
There are so many branches in Astrology like Jathaka or Native Chart, Prasna or Horary, Muhurta or Electional Astrology, Vana Nireekshana or Meteorology, Nashta Prasna or Missing persons or things, the affairs of Sanctum Sanctorum of temples and churches, and the like. Horoscope or Natal Chart, as pointed out above, reveals the influence of time and space of a birth, stamped permanently on it, through the planetary alignment, their relations with the cusps and angles etc. In this context, we must always remember the Universal fact that Stars cannot compel, they only impel. Sometimes, as William Shakespeare said, we may feel that:
“The fault is not in our stars, but in ourselves”.

Destiny and Fate :
However, it is seen that stars help us shape our Destiny, but the ultimate Destiny or Fate is unto HIM, the Supreme Lord, the Brahman. Fate mostly depends on Karma, which is the law of consequences – of merit and demerit. Karma depends on Character. When we change our Character, we change our Karma. Character, in its turn, depends on habits. One may say that when character is lost, every thing is lost. Habits, attitudes and behaviors are closely linked to our unconscious. Do not turn the normal law of self-preservation inside out by bad habits and addictions. Again, Astrology is the only available proof for ‘Karma Theory’, which is the reason for all the happenings in the world. The three time periods namely past, present and future are supposed to be the transcendence of time and space in Astrology. It is therefore a true knowledge. It is the path of eternal bliss. The conscious, unconscious and subconscious are contained in it. Old Sages used to say that no knowledge is complete with out the knowledge of Astrology. It is therefore considered as the supreme knowledge granted to human being by the Gold, Almighty. If it is not properly and divinely used it will definitely cause ‘ tantra virodha’ to the Astrologer, causing havoc in his life. It should therefore be used only with utmost discretion after deep study, dedication and full providence.

Births and Re-births:
The planets are supposed to be hereditary transmitters from one generation to the other. Births and re-births are taken place to complete the cycle of life. The horoscope shows the residues of the results of the deeds of the past births or ‘karma phala’. In this birth one will carry three sorts of karma; ‘sanchitam’ that is stored from the past birth; ‘prarabdham’, accumulating in this birth and ‘aagami’, stored for the future. The doctrine of karma says so. When the ‘karma phala’ is exhausted there will be no more births. The microcosm becomes one with the macrocosm, which is the materialization of life, as if a drop of water becomes one with the sea.

Children and Character:
If a child grows in the habit of getting unconditional love from his parents, getting situations to help develop self-esteem, values, morals, and good traditions of life, enjoyment, good health, secure surroundings, chances to develop skills and abilities, of course coupled with strict discipline, he will have strength of character, which leads him to proper Karmas, the consequences of which will be a meaningful life. One thing is certain that unto every violation of law of the nature, there is meted out a penalty and it is inevitable. We can then try to resort to genuine, harmless and good processes of actions to mitigate evils, hoping for comfort and certainly with the ultimate aim of raising the level of our mind to a little more God-head, bearing in mind that the result of which depends on many other factors also, like the time for fructification of our prayers, the bank balance of our ‘papa-punyas’
or merits and demerits, transcended from our previous births, if any, etc.

Some laws of Nature :
In this context, since we came to know that the violation of nature’s law is the primary and most important cause of grief in life, we should try to understand at least some of the major laws of nature, so that we may not purposely violate them and invite unnecessary troubles and worries into our lives, although it is a cosmic fact that a prick of conscience is instilled in us by the mother nature when ever we try to think or do an evil thing. People with wisdom and virtue will realize it easily that it is against the law of nature and they avoid it at once, when recognized. Wisdom is knowing what to do and virtue is doing it. The most conspicuous nature’s law, I think, is its vicissitudes. Nature is indifferent, it is not constant, and it exhibits no freedom in its existence, but only necessity and contingency. Some split seconds are enough for the utter annihilation of a part of the world, or even the whole world, for that matter. Second one is that this variety of the Nature is under constant change owing to time, space and causation, which cannot be predicted exactly by any one. Because of the intensity of variety in nature, not even two leaves in a big tree are exactly similar, not to speak of humans. This phenomenon of the Nature teaches us a lesson that the expectations of two persons, whether it be husband and wife, father and mother, brother and sister, or two lovers, so to say, will never be on the same level. Very often this is the root cause for beginning all troubles. So, we should not expect anything and every thing from the other. We should learn to contain ourselves and try to be happy and contented with what we have, and share the excess.

Helps Liberation:
Astrology is really like a vast ocean. A famous Vedic Astrologer once said that he is only a particle of sand on the bank of the great ocean of Astrology. Astrology is spiritual, mystical, magical, and it is the music of the cosmos. A true and learned Astrologer can guide one to do the right thing at the right time and can guide to avoid the wrong thing at the tempting time. It is a Divine Science too, though empirical predictive in nature. It s purely based on mathematics, if the time and calculations go wrong, every thing will go wrong. The most important thing to be borne in mind about Astrology is that it should never be taken on any level other than the level of Vedanta, since it contains the quintessence of the philosophies of the entire world. Also, it is true that no better boat than a well written Horoscope can help a man cross over the troubled sea of life. Astrology ultimately helps our Atma (soul) to become Jivatma (manifested soul) and eventually to be one with Paramatma (The God), through deliverance or Liberation (Moksha or Sayoojya), which alone is supposed to fulfill or materialize the purpose of human birth. The higher the soul evolves, the more spiritual the understanding becomes until perfect rapport with the Divine Spirit is attained. This is the atonement, which makes a man perfect. Astrology, if approached in proper perspective, will be most helpful to achieve this goal. Astrology also reveals the greatest fact that the God, Almighty, is atonce transcendent and immanent, the principle emphasized in Sanatana Dharma, which is followed in countries like India, from time immemorial, by people of all caste, creed and color, irrespective of young and old.

Remedy rectifies to a certain extent:
Being known that there are sins in our deposit, we are expected to do ‘pariharas’ as remedial measures and ‘prayaschithas’ or amends, to mitigate the evils. If we believe God as the most powerful and all pervasive, kind and merciful, HE will accept our prayers and will pardon us for our mistakes. There is no man in this world who has not sinned in one way or other. Guilty conscience will never boost you up. It must be remembered in this context that for anything and everything we should not try to bring down God to our level and try to get things done as we wish. It is bad.
Bhagavat Gita says :
“ Udharedatmanatmanam, natmanamavasadayet,
Atmaivahyatmanobandhu: atmaivaripuratmana:”,
meaning, let one raise the self, by the self and not let the self go down, because the self is the friend of the self and self is the foe of the self. You should not degrade yourself. The inner urge should be kept up. There is conflict of Dharma and Adharma in our mind. All your enemies are with in you first. With diligent perseverance and persistence, we should hold on to Dharma and raise ourselves. It is nice to remember Shakespeare here, where Cassius reminds Brutus, in his Julius Caesar:
“Men at sometime are masters of their fates:
The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our Stars,
But in ourselves, that we are underlings”

Some General Rules:
The Astrology Chart consists of 12 Bhavas. Some of the important things, amidst the hundreds of thousands, represented by each bhava can be put briefly in general, as follows:

First Bhava (Tanu bhava) :
Happiness, longevity, age, birth, caste or community, health, characteristic mark, virtues, sufferings, physique, form, shape, complexion, fame, prosperity, success, sex etc. This bhava is called Lagna (Rassenamudayo lagna:). This is known also as Ascendant and is supposed to be the Key to all other bhavas.

Second Bhava (Dhana bhava) :
Wealth, family, clothes, pearls, ruby, gems, minerals, horses, business, path, science, art, speech, right eye, penury, rise and fall, all movables, court cases, death of husband and wife, common enemies etc.

Third Bhava Bhratru bhava) :
Younger brothers and sisters, communications, servants, slaves, laborers, courage, valor, wicked intention, right ear, help, neighbors, small journeys, hearsay, letters, children of friends, friends of children etc.

Fourth Bhava (Sukha bhava) :
Pleasures, garden, fields, mother, friends, caves, maternal uncle, nephew, treasures, vehicles, cot, seat, cleverness, winsome manners, place of birth, education, estates, property of diseased etc.

Fifth Bhava (Putra bhava) :
Children, Intelligence, resourcefulness, genius, discriminatory faculty, merits of past lives, mantras, ministers, cheerful mind, pregnancy, spiritual practices, literary composition, charters, lotteries, clubs etc.

Sixth Bhava (Satru bhava) :
Thieves, enemies, obstacles, diseases, physical injuries, serious illness amounting to death, fear, battle, donkey, cruel deeds, get-well from illness, demise of friends, shepherds, enemies of wife etc.

Seventh Bhava (Kalatra bhava) :
Marriage, passion, partner, husband, wife, companion ship, union of lovers, inward and outward movements, bad chamber, ladies’ apartments, war, lost articles, business, litigation, dispute etc.

Eighth Bhava (Ayur bhava) :
Death, cause of death, total destruction, disaster, scandals, place of death, hostel, hermitage, difficulties on the way, fortress, corruption, fight, vulnerable points, deed of will, relations of servants etc.

Ninth Bhava (Bhagya bhava) :
Fortune, religion, merit, compassion, good luck, penance, father, grand children, charity, worship of gods, spiritual practices, Vedic hymns, noble conduct, wells, temples, voyage, insurance, health of father, tenants etc

Tenth Bhava (Karma bhava) :
Profession, all kinds of services, cities, assemblies, street, residence, command, support, refuge, kingship, position, utility, magistrate, great men, reputation, father in-law, enemies of friends, lawyers etc.

Eleventh Bhava (Labha Bhava) :
Gain of wealth, acquisition of desired objects, elder brother, one’s own progeny, left ear, elephant riding, crops, gold, maidens, trusts, perfidy of friends, ambassadors, advisors, cattle, death of father ec., and,

Twelfth Bhava (Vyaya bhava) :
Loss, sinful deeds, fall, hell, left eye, loss of position, physical handicap, defective limbs, renunciation, expenditure through charity, luxurious living, sacrifices, agricultural operations, tribulations, accidents etc.
Sharing Experience:

Now, I would like to share some of my experiences with you as follows:

** Prepared several hundreds of Horoscopes/Nativity Charts and delineated
them Astrologically. ** Conducted hundreds of Prasna/Horary in a most scientific manner.

** Studied Medical Astrology in detail. Almost accurately analyzed hundreds
of cases of diseases.

** Handled Electional and Mundane Astrology in a fruitful way.

** Conducted "Deva Prasna", regarding Sanctum Sanctorums, in more than
500 temples.

** Studied in detail Gemmology and successfully suggested gems for several
people as useful.

** Published varieties of articles (My First Prediction, A Prasna Session,
Planets and Leagal Profession, Planets and Criminal Propensities, etc. to
mention a few) in leading Astrological magazines and journals.

** Conducted Group discussions on various topics (Horoscope Matching,
Missing Persons, Lost Articles, Marriage and related Problems, Family
ife, Health

** Education, Longevity, Old Age, Diseases of mind and body, Childbirth,
Unnatural births, etc.) in Astrology.

** Conducted several training programs in Astrology, Calulating and
Analyzing Birth Charts, etc.

Please feel free to Counsel, Email me at

‘Sarvesham Santhir Bhavathu’


Friday, March 20, 2009

Bhagavatha Dharma..Last installment

Bhagvatha Dharma-11:
Eleventh and Twelfth Skandas:

1059. Pathitha skhalitha schaartha:Kshuthwa vaa vivashofbruvanHaraye nama: ithychai:muchyathe sarva pathakaath.(When you are falling down, when you commit errors , when extreme sorrow befalls you, when you are sneezing and when you are tired, loudly say “Sri Haraye Nama:” (Prostrations to Sree Hari); then you are freed from all sins and you attain God-realization
Bhave Bhave yathaa Bhakti: paadayosthava jaayathe,
Thathaa kurushwa devesha: naathasthwam no yatha: prabho.
Naamasankeerthanam yasya sarva papa pranaashanam
Pranaamo du:khasamana: tham namaami Harim param.
(Oh! God of all Gods! You are our Master and sole protector. Do unto us, that by which we can get unflinching devotion to your Holy Feet. We prostrate before Lord Hari, the chanting of whose names destroys all our sins and prostration before whom mitigates all our sorrows.)

[Thus the translation of Bhagavatha Dharmam by Shri: PNB Nair ends here. It contains 1060 Suthras (Axioms)which bring out the essence of Srimad Bhagavatham. Bhagavatha Dharmam is not a verbatim interpretation of Srimad Bhagavatham. Bhagavatha Dharmam is really the Devotee (Bhakthan), the Devotion (Bhakthi) and the Deva(Bhagavan)(the Supreme Truth). It shows the interrelation among theses three. It explains the Devotional duties through which mortal beings could be rid of all fears. The observance of this Bhagavatha Dharmam is the very essence of Srimad Bhagavatham and it will take one to the ultimate goal of God Realization.]

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Bhagavatha Dharma - 11

Bhagavatha Dharma -11:
Eleventh and Twelfth Skandas :
1024. Detachment comes from contemplation.
1025. When you feel detached from each and every object in this world, it means you have developed devotion to God.
1026. So long as God remains away from your body, there will be a bad smell for the body.
1027. By merely thinking about godly men you can become free from all sins.
1028. Man’s natural tendency is to live a bestial life in younger days. So try to get rid of your beastliness under the supervision of a Guru.
1029. Don’t talk much. Try to observe silence at least for three hours daily.
1030. Misuse of tongue (words) and hands (actions) is a great offence against God.
1031. Do not condemn the faith of other religions.
1032. Pray daily without fail.
1033. The body has its origin from desire. So the paths of Yoga and Knowledge are not suitable for God–realization in Kaliyuga. Chanting the Names of God is the simplest and most effective means for this in Kaliyuga.
1034. Almost everyone possesses theoretical knowledge. But only virtuous persons can translate that knowledge into their life.
1035. Try to speak sweetly; and keep a cool temperament.
1036. It is a sin to think about the sins of others.
1037. Don’t get elated by gains or dejected by losses.
1038. Give help to others as the Sun does. But never feel proud about doing so.
1039. Don’t cry when someone dies. You must cry only to get God.
1040. Don’t get entangled in sorrows and pleasures. Try to remain happy in any event.
1041. Man, who is now Nara can become Narayana if he tries for that.
1042. Man and woman engaged in spiritual practices should necessarily avoid mutual company
1043. Give away your wealth instead of amassing it.
1044. The main thing that causes man’s downfall is his tongue. He who has his tongue under control will get God also under his control.
1045. Your desire for enjoyment of pleasures is the cause for all your sorrows.
1046. Learn innocence from children.
1047. Don’t entertain desire for pleasures.
1048. Peace of mind is alien to those who live in cities. Therefore, holy men should live in solitude.
1049. God creates, protects and destroys everything by His Maya (delusive power)
1050. Even birds and animals are uplifted by the company of Holy men. Therefore, avoid the company of lustful people.
1051. Idle talk is a great sin. Speak only with measured words.
1052. Penance is the name of giving up desires. Giving up tendencies is Chivalry. Meditation of God is Truth. Righteousness is the greatest Wealth. A pundit is on who knows the path to reach God. He who translates his knowledge into life is Wise. He who installs ego in his intellect is Ignorant. One who is rich in his good qualities is the really rich man. That which is subordinate to Maya is soul. One who is always happy is the really wealthy man. One who is always unhappy is the destitute. One who has the senses under his control is God. The brave is one who has destroyed all his internal foes. A true Bhakta is he who does not entertain even the slightest degree of contempt against anyone.
1053. Human body is most sacred. If you don’t get the good fortune for the company of holy men, don’t get disappointed. But you must strictly avoid the company of worldly men. The duty of avoiding the company of worldly men is yours.
1054. Don’t be exulted by praises. So also don’t get dejected by insults. One who cannot bear insult is a weakling. One who insults you is really your well-wisher.
1055. Don’t get into the problems of others unnecessarily. Try to uplift yourself first.
1056. It is difficult to please the world; it is not so difficult to please God.
1057. Everyone knows that the last journey has to be performed alone. Nevertheless, man cannot live without woman, and woman cannot live without man. What a paradox?
1058. At the time of death, man should think only about the God’s form. God will then convert that man into His own form.
(To be continued)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Bhavatha dharmam - 10

Bhagavatha Dharmam-10 :
Tenth Skandha(Second half):
(Translation by Shri: PNB Nair)
996. This world is never bad. It is your polluted mind that sees the world as bad.
997. So long as the mind contains emotions and tendencies, it will remain polluted. Mind will get purified insofar as these emotions and tendencies are controlled.
998. Tightly hold the holy feet of God well before your body is invaded by the disabilities due to old age and time.
999. In old age, people lie in the sick bed for seventeen days and die on the eighteenth day.
1000. The sorrows of birth, old age and death are your own creations.
1001. You must learn the secret of action and give up all actions before actions themselves give you up. When you give up all actions, you become surrendered to God.
1002. There are two rules which man should necessarily observe:-(1) Give up sins; and (2) Perform good actions.
1003. A man breathes 21600 times a day. So if he can recite on name of God along with each breath, his life will be fulfilled without doubt.
1004. When you are fifty years old, know that death has already occupied half of your body.
1005. Giving the senses whatever worldly objects that the body needs for its upkeep is using them. But giving the senses whatever they ask for the sake of sensual enjoyment is misusing them. Those who misuse wealth and strength are Daityas(Demons).Those entrapped in fashion-related tendencies are merely misusing their time and money.
1006. (i) Lakshmi is the name of money acquired through all means, fair as well as foul .That money is used for good causes as well as for enjoyment of pleasures.(ii) Maha Lakshmi is the name of money acquired through rightful employment based on eligibility and other righteous means .That money is used only for noble purposes.(iii) Alakshmi is the name of money acquired only through sinful means. That is used only for the enjoyment of sensual pleasures. That money will continue to give disturbance and restlessness to man.
1007. Don’t enter into a marriage as a slave to the senses. You should marry only with full control over the senses.
1008. Listen to the stories of Lord Krishna over and over again. He will attract your mind and make it His own.
1009. If the wife is virtuous, her husband will be free from sorrows.
1010. Speak only what you think in your mind. Try to maintain unity of your words and deeds.
1011. Treat Lakshmi(goddess of wealth) as your mother and worship at home. That will make you happy. If you try to become Lakshmi’s master, you will be beaten by the broomstick of Alakshmi.
1012. Don’t be under the control of your innate nature. Rather, keep it under your control. Innate nature will be cultured by positive actions, thoughts about God, recital of God’s names, company of godly men, reading of good books etc.
1013. First ensure that your mind is cultured. Then only you should start to advise the world. If your own inner self gets satisfaction from your actions, it shows that your innate nature has been cultured.
1014. If Veda Mantras get into the hands of sensuous people, they will interpret the Mantras according to their convenience, by giving opposite meanings.
1015. If Brahmacharis come to your house, receive them respectfully.
1016. The soul becomes restless in old age.
1017. If there is difference of opinion at home, go on a pilgrimage.
1018. Destitution is not a misfortune. Forgetting God in destitution is the greatest misfortune
.1019. One who eats food without sharing it with others will become destitute.
1020. Give up all your enmities and tendencies before death. Tendencies will cause rebirth.
1021. If man will think about death often, he cannot commit sins.
1022. Desire (for worldly pleasures) is a strong impediment to Bhakti.
1023. If a man’s food is impure, his prayer will also be impure.
(To be continued)

Bhagavata Dharmam 9, Continued

Bhagavatha Dharmam-9 :
Tenth Skandha(First Half)
(Translation by Shri: PNB Nair)
803. Husband and wife should love each other. But mere physical attachment is not love. Today the word “love” has been corrupted very much. When you are governed by emotions and tendencies, you cannot realize the value of true love. A life without love is delusion.
804. A yogi will not become a rogi.(sick) If a yogi gets some disease, it means that he has erred in the path of Yoga.
805. A thoughtful man should think of Lord Krishna only at all times. If a man goes into a trance, with eyes wide open, while sitting in meditation, that condition is genuine Samadhi
.806. A true Bhakta does not fear death. He will welcome death with pleasure.
807. He is true Bhakta, who sees his own faults and praises the merits of others.
808. The body of the one who makes others happy by the purity of his thoughts, words and actions will naturally become the abode of God.
809. There are many obstacles in the path of Jnana(knowledge). Self realization will be possible only through total renunciation and control of all the eleven senses.
810. If you receive the blessings of all, there will be God’s presence in your house. Don’t make cause for any one to criticize you.
811. Respect everyone. The greatest gift that we can give to anyone is respect. In truth, all beings are different manifestations of God. With this conviction, we must respect all.
812. Take care to see that actions of others do not disturb your peace of mind.
813. Avoid all actions that may cause unhappiness to others.
814. If God is in your mind, you will forget hunger and thirst.
815. Pure body and mind are nothing but Mathura and Gokul.
816. There will be no injustice in the kingdom of God. Whatever happens there will be just and fair.
817. Pilgrimage to holy places is good. But along with that it should be ensured that our body and mind are also kept as pure as the holy places.
818. When Lord Sri Krishna is residing in your mind there will be no trace of unhappiness in it.
819. The best time for meditation of God is Brahma muhurtha( one-and-a –half hours prior to sun-rise).It is necessary to do meditation for at least half an hour during this period. If you do this regularly for twelve years, you will have the experience of God.
820. God has given you wealth in order to spend it for poor- feeding and other noble purposes.
821. Mahatmas (great men) cannot be tested on the basis of their caste or creed. Their greatness is in their eyes and thoughts.
822. When four eyes meet at one place, you experience Ananda(Bliss)
823. Ordinary beings remain separate from God. So they are afflicted by fear.
824. When you see friends don’t tell them about your comforts. Only enquire about their comforts
.825. When you return from distant places bring something special for God. If you do so your life at that place will have the fragrance of Bhakti.
826. There is no other thing as sacred as Jnana(knowledge).Bhakti comes out of pure Jnana.
827. Look at women not as mere females, but as the images of Parasakti. (Superior cosmic power.)
828. When the desire for enjoying unrighteous and unlawful pleasures arises in you, and you eat food merely for satisfying the taste of your tongue, take it that Poothana (not pure) is dominating your tongue.
829. When your mind finds pleasure in listening to dreadful and wanton conversation, it means that Poothana is dominating your ears.
830. If you pay more attention to the leather (Body), you will become a cobbler in your next birth. Therefore, instead of wasting time for pampering the body, worship God as much as possible.
831. The one whose mind is poisonous and body alone is beautiful, she is Poothana. The one whose appearance is beautiful while actions are cruel, she is Poothana. The one who praises anyone on seeing face to face, but insults later on is Poothana.
832. Don’t be deluded by the external beauty of a person and believe that person to be pure internally too.
833. As man is a heap of tendencies, his downfall is quick. Poothana makes her appearance through the eyes.
834. When we are able to see God in everything, then only we can derive the joy of ‘seeing’.
835. Jiva (the soul) is egotistic Even though there is nothing of its own, poor thing! It takes pride in everything.
836. Wishing happiness to others is the characteristic of true devotees of God
.837. One who,by the grace of God, is able to see God in everything, will be accepted by the Goddess of Bhakti as her own.
838. Jiva (the soul) has no right to deal with Lakshmi (the goddess of wealth). If it does so, Lakshmi will vanish immediately.
839. Cow’s urine purifies everything. Drinking and bathing in cow’s urine will eradicate diseases. It is useful for purifying the mind also. By drinking cow’s urine 108 times you get relief from all sins. Do this for six months.
840. If you waste your time on ‘fashion’ and allied bad habits, you cannot progress in the path of Bhakti.
841. On festival days, make good use of your thoughts, words and seeds. Think of God for a longer time than usual. Give food to the poor. Invite holy men to your house, pay them respects and offer them food and clothing.
842. ‘Poor and destitute’ are the children of God. We should be ashamed to call them so. Whatever we give them should be given with humility and respect, fixing our eyes on the ground.
843. If the desire to receive arises in you, it is called Moha (delusion). If your desire is always to give, that is called Prema(love)
844. If you misuse your wealth, Lakshmi( goddess of wealth will forsake you.
845. There is a golden opportunity in everybody’s life when luck becomes favourable. Without wasting that occasion, give all that you have to your fellow creatures lavishly and spread the message of universal love. If luck is not in your favour, you cannot earn anything however much you desire to do so.
846. God will be pleased if you pay your homage to holy men and Brahmins.
847. Married life is not for enjoyment. On the contrary, it should be used for the worship of God. If the chariot of marriage goes astray, it will topple down.
848. If importance is given for carnal pleasures, know that the chariot is going astray. Even after realizing that you are moving in the opposite direction, if you continue the same path, the chariot will definitely fall into deep pit.
849. If the memory of anything comes to your mind when you are about to sleep at night, that is the thing in which your mind finds more pleasure. The mind of a greedy person finds pleasure in wealth while that of a lustful person in women. What gives more pleasure to your mind in the waking state, that you will see in your dream also. A man’s character can be determined from the dreams he sees.
850. A right seeker gets his first vision of God in his dreams.
851. Recite the names of God while cooking your food. Sing the sweet songs on Krishnabhakti(devotion to Lord Krishna) melodiously.
852. While performing your duties maintain your devotion also. This is known as Maryada bhakti( limited devotion)
853. God will appear before you in any form. So you must respect everyone. If not you will be deceived.
854. Those who waste money for carnal pleasures are Rakshasas.(demons)
855. God will never part with a true spiritual seeker. But God will forsake those who are not sincere in spiritual practices. Anyone who takes pride in his spirituality will also be forsaken by God. So be careful not to take pride in your spiritual practices.
856. If you are not able to detach yourself from worldly bonds during your life time, it would not be possible after death also.
857. The world is wonderful. What you can see with your eyes closed is the world. The world that is deep-rooted in your mind is a strong impediment.
858. Bhakti(devotion) cannot reach perfection without Bhavana (imagination).
859. Your mind does not part with you even in your death.
860. The mind becomes free from all thoughts when you are in deep sleep. That is why you get the experience of happiness during sleep.
861. The mind exists because of its thoughts on worldly objects. There fore, when worldly objects are forsaken, the mind ceases to exist.
862. The mind always needs a support. There fore, withdraw the mind from negative thoughts and lead it to positive thoughts.
863. Yoga is difficult for pleasure-mongers. First pre-requisite for Yoga is celibacy. He who acts contrary to this principle will be afflicted by serious diseases leading to disaster.
864. Do not show hatred towards anyone in this world.
865. Give up the desire to enjoy worldly pleasures.
866. A spiritual seeker should not get involved in the mesh of unnecessary arguments. Thinking of worldly objects is the practice of mind from time immemorial. Induce that mind to listen to the stories and think of Lord Krishna. When the nectar of Sri Krishna’s stories falls on your ears, thoughts of worldly objects will automatically disappear.
867. Your senses being Gopis, join them with Lord Krishna.
868. Time will deceive you once. At that time you will have to leave your house with tears. Those who know this truth will, renounce the house well in time.
869. Like YasodDevi(Foster-mother of Lord Krishna)you should try to see God even while performing your normal duties.
870. Each and every action of a Bhakta (Devotee) is soaked in Bhakti(Devotion), because all his actions are performed under the orders from God.
871. Man falls into dangers when his intellect rejects God and seeks worldly objects.
872. Man does not see God because he is not praying with a pure heart.
873. God gives every thing, even to a wicked man, with the expectation that his soul might recover from its fall and improve in the near future.
874. God does not accept a man as His without testing.
875. How much sin does a man commit for the sake of a little money? Several small sins combined together become a great sin. Oh! Man! Even if you do not do anything good, it will be a good thing if you can desist from committing sins.
876. God is the only one who deserves to be loved. Because of your love towards worldly things, you have to spend most of your life in tears.
877. A soul gets a human body when papa and punya (merits and demerits of past actions) are equal. When you start experiencing grief, take it that your papa is being mitigated.
878. When you are engaged in household affairs, you cannot remember any other thing. But when you are engaged in Japa( recital of God’s names) you remember only household affairs and allied worldly matters.
879. Even when sitting for meditation on God, man is often thinking of the worldly pleasures that he has experienced. Human nature is generally to forget God, on the pretext that of meditating on God.
880. It is also human nature to seek for anything that is not easy to get.
881. God never forgets man. But man unnecessarily burns his heart by engaging himself in useless thoughts.
882. If you lose everything in the service of God, never mind .That is a blessing of God. But if your service of God is only for the sake of food, that is not service.
883. When you develop distaste for worldly matters, you get the taste of God. When that taste is full, God will take care of your worldly affairs also.
884. Bhakti in the form of love, binds God to our hearts. Jnana and Yoga have no power to bind God in this manner. Bhakti means Shakti(Power)
885. God is free from all desires while the soul is full of desires.
886. Man’s love is fragmented or scattered among many things. Some of his love goes to wife and children come for various luxuries of life and finally not a bit of love remains for God.
887. Money earned through unfair means leads to three main vices, viz. gambling, immorality and addiction to liquor and meat.
888. Blinded by money-power, man forgets that his body is mortal and subject to decay. So he hurts other fellow creatures He who realizes that this body belongs to God and has to be used for the service of God, is the most fortunate person.
889. Those who use their time and money solely for enjoyment of worldly pleasures will take birth as trees in their next incarnation. Sinners necessarily have to take re-birth as trees, because trees are said to be in the Papa Yoni. (Sinful womb)
890. If someone cries for Kannaya (Lord Krishna), sitting in solitude, then Kannaya will rush to his side and console him.
891. Never beg to God for anything. Recollect the helps done by God to us, time and again. You can bind God only with the rope of Love.
892. Do not eat your food without sharing it with others. If you share your food joyfully with others, your satisfaction will be thousand times more than what you get by eating alone
.893. While circum-ambulating in the temples, keep on chanting the Names of God.
894. Man observes certain discipline in his food; but not in his worship. If a man eats his food without worshipping God, he is eating sin.
895. You must tell the story of your grief to God only, in private. Never talk about it to others.
896. When you surrender the fruits of your actions to God, He will give you everything including Himself. When you surrender the fruits of your good actions to God, He will fill your coffers with valuable gems.
897. Never entertain the desire to enjoy the fruits of your actions already surrendered to God. When you perform each and every action on behalf of God, that action will take shape as Bhakti.
898. You can do whatever you want to do. But take care not to move away from God. Then all your actions will turn into Bhakti.
899. Man is affected by sinful thoughts when he becomes weak. Make it a habit to think of God at least for five minutes at the beginning of each hour during the day. This will ward off all sins from you.
900. You must be happy always, whatever be the circumstances in which God has placed you. Make all your actions be subjected to the will of God. You don’t know the results of your actions; but God knows.
901. Sound and its echo are alike. If you have ill will towards others, they will also have ill will towards you.
902. You must be active always. If your body is not tired of day-long activity, you cannot get good sleep. If you remain idle, you will be fall in the grip of sinful thoughts. Good actions will give good sleep. That sleep will lead you in the path of Bhakti.
903. When the culture and tendencies of previous births no longer influence you, you will derive happiness from your actions.
904. When your children are five years old, you must try to inculcate the culture of righteousness in them. Don’t give them rice as food on Ekadasi days. Parents who do not give instructions to their children in the path of Bhakti and righteous living are their enemies.
905. Impressions formed in a child’s mind are long-lasting. A child’s mind is very tender. Good culture inculcated in childhood will make the youth glorious.
906. The company of great men you protect you from down fall. The fear of fall is only when you walk alone. If you walk holding the hands of God, there is no need for any fear.
907. God exhorts all living creatures to His side through the melodious sound of His divine flute. But this sound does not reach the ears of those creatures that are enchanted by the attraction of worldly objects.
908. Do not reject any one. That is the main requirement of Bhakt.
909. There is no greater sin than arrogance. All other sins have atonement; but not for arrogance.
910. He, whose body is handsome but mind is wicked, is Bakasura.
911. Where ignorance and arrogance are reigning, that is the kingdom of sin.
912. Arrogance will show up when fame and greed for wealth are on the increase.
913. When man is about to commit a sin, his conscience will warn him against it. But because of man’s weakness, he is not able to desist from the sin. As a consequence, mishaps constantly attack him. A true Bhakta (devotee) is on who does not allow shelter to sin in his mind.
914. Soul and senses are mutually related. Therefore, the soul is unable to prevent the sinful actions of the senses. It simply remains as a mere witness.
915. Cut off any sinful thought from the mind as soon as it occurs. Once sin enters into the mind of any one, it will never leave him. But there is one remedy for it. That is to go and weep before the Lord.
916. If a sinful thought is allowed to remain in the mind even for a short while, it will be very difficult to get rid of it later.
917. The mind is always with you. Therefore, wherever you go, it will, continue to induce you to commit sin.
918. When guided by tendencies, you will tend to commit sins, even if your conscience forbids. Divine knowledge is often swept away in the current of tendencies. Therefore, you have no hesitation to commit sins. Strangely enough, you don’t even get peace of mind without committing sin! What is the remedy for this? The only remedy is to make God a witness to all your actions.
919. No action is possible without pronouncing a sound. If not by your tongue, you are always making sound with your mind. Therefore, before committing any sin either your tongue or mind will make the sound of it. If you want, you can get rid of that sin then and there.
920. Everyone knows that telling a lie is sin. Similarly, it is well known that hurting others is also sin. Nevertheless, the weakness of your mind makes you commit such sins.
921. If you have committed a sin by chance, recite the names of God. Make God the witness to all your actions. If you do so, God will take away your tendency to commit sin.
922. Sins already committed will not be mitigated without suffering the punishment for them. But if you surrender both the punya(merits) and papa(demerits) of your actions to God, they will not affect you.
923. If you receive the mercy of holy men and evolved souls, you will be freed from the tendency to commit sins.
924. Your tendency to commit sins arises from desire and anger. Both are born out of Rajo guna (the quality of restiveness).So you must always try to eradicate Rajoguna and cultivate Sattwa guna (the quality of solemnness)925. If you can derive happiness from the worship of God at least once, the whole world will then appear to you as quite silly. People go after worldly objects for happiness, only because they are unable to find happiness from worship of God.
926. A woman who cannot see God in her husband cannot feel the presence of God in other images also.
927. The more you enjoy worldly pleasures, the more is your tendency to commit sins. Reduce the enjoyment of pleasures and your sins also will get reduced.
928. Try to check all your bad habits. Try to curtail the urge that ‘’I want more, I want more”. This will make you happy.
929. To see only “things” is the nature of soul. God sees not “things”, but only “attitudes”
930. If God has given you sufficient wealth, use it for rearing cows. Service to cows will ward off all fears such as untimely death and other similar mishaps.
931. If a man having immense wealth in his possession chooses to enjoy it without giving anything to others, he is Dhenuka Asura. Asses like him will consider the body as the greatest wealth.
932. This world is like a wild fire. It encompasses and burns the creatures from all the four sides. Burning from all sides, this terrifying fire destroys everyone. Therefore, close your eyes and loudly recite the holy names of God. God will put out this wildfire which comes to us in the form of woes
.933. If you can remain totally absorbed in the recital of God’s names, this wild fire will not affect you.
934. Do not collect the poison of hatred in your heart.
935. A woman who takes her husband to the presence of God or to the company of godly men is the real wife.
936. A real housewife is the woman who leads her husband in the spiritual path and encourages him to perform good actions. A wife who entangles her husband in worldly pleasures is his enemy.
937. Bliss cannot be experienced unless the worshipper and worshipped become one. This is the first step to enter into the realm of God.
938. Food shall never be disrespected and left over food shall never be served to god-men
939. If you have to depend on something, depend on God’s holy feet only; nothing else.
940. Look at every woman as your mother. Then carnal desires will not arise in your mind. So also, try to see Lord Krishna in every thing.
941. The time between 11PM and 3.30AM is not suitable for taking bath and food.
942. Man’s greatest enemy is desire. All other bad qualities come from that. Loss of Budhi (discriminative power) is its ultimate result.
943. A Pathivratha (a woman who is faithful to her husband without blemish) can convert even God into a child.
944. Love intensifies during separation. Separation is beneficial while re-union is sometimes detrimental (to love)945. If the seeker’s mind is restless while meditating on God, he will not get the vision of God. He will see only darkness. But the meditation should be continued without getting disappointed. Gradually the light of God will become visible to you.
946. He who is dominated by Rajoguna can see only faults, even in faultless things.
947. Do not waste your time on worldly talks and thoughts. If you waste the most valuable time, how can you uplift yourself in this birth?
948. The reason for all the unrest of today is forgetting God.
949. By Sadhana (spiritual practices) you get many Sidhis (supernatural powers). If you are not carried away by these powers, you will get God in the end. So carry on with your spiritual practices, without being enamored of the Sidhis.
950. Do not trust your mind till the last breath. If you trust the mind, it will throw you into a dark pit.
951. You must continue your prayers and worship of God till the last day of your life. Your prayer must be like this:-“Oh God! Bless me to continue my prayers, worship and recital of thy names till my last breath.” Let death come at any time.
952. By spiritual practice man gets many powers. Some get word power. That makes them famous. People start running after them. So they become proud of their word power. Pride is the first step towards their downfall. Their followers start praising them. The poor soul thinks that he has become great. This brings about his total downfall.
953. When love of God increases, the seeker gets the feeling that God belongs to him. At the culmination of Sadhana, this feeling changes and he will see his God and himself as one single entity. Even after this experience of identification with God, the seeker does not stop his spiritual practices. Because, he knows that as soon as he stops Sadhana, Maya (delusion) will catch hold of him.
954. However, most people show the tendency to stop spiritual practices after reaching its culmination.
955. When you get wealth and comforts, don’t forget God. Whatever be the circumstances, never give up worship of God.
956. If you think that pleasurable objects of the world are giving you happiness, you become unhappy in their absence. What you have to seek is the happiness which is not related to any worldly object. Otherwise, the result will be unhappiness only.
957. If a man thinks of something constantly in his mind, its shape will reflect on his face.
958. When man becomes egotistic, his voice will become hoarse. That will affect his mind also.
959. Speak about your own faults and always praise the glories of God. God will soon be pleased with you.
960. Praise God when your happiness ends, when your unhappiness ends and also when your life end.
961. Take refuge in God. This is the greatest duty of man. It is God’s duty too, to accept the refugee as His own.
962. Gift of food and clothing to others is a noble act. But the noblest gift one can give is the stories of God. Great devotees of God are those who give out the stories of God without expecting anything in return.
963. Make God your debtor. Don’t make yourself a debtor to God by begging something from Him.
964. By constant worship of God, the body of the devotee becomes divine.
965. Delusion demands pleasures; love demands renunciation. Delusion intensifies in union; love intensifies in separation.
966. When anger leaves you, greed also goes with it. But desire does not go. If you want to defeat desires, you must take refuge in Lord Krishna. Take only moderate food. Remain in solitude. Overcome sleep. Read RasaPanchadhyayi at midnight. Carnal desires are usually aroused around midnight. At that time you must necessarily worship Lord Krishna. Desires will flee only when His names are heard
.967. Don’t be proud of beauty. If you belittle any creature, you cannot acquire devotion. Humility and simplicity are the aids to the path of devotion.
968. Don’t look at anyone with a faulty vision. It is a sin to think of this body which is merely skin. On seeing shapes (bodies) emotions arise in your mind. This world is never a beautiful thing. God alone is beautiful.
969. Whenever you perform any noble action, you must tell yourself:- “God is making me an instrument for the performance of this action.”
970. Do not entertain any desire either to live long or to die early.
971. Sinners commit sins even when walking along the road. Good men perform good actions even when walking along the road. Don’t look at anybody when you are walking along the road.
972. God will fulfill all your good intentions. Man’s hunger is his egotism. That hunger makes him feel that all others should respect him. But when man is honoured by God, that hunger will subside and his egotism will be shattered.
973. You should not have the desire to know what the world tells about you. If someone gives a good opinion about you, you become happy and you will have goodwill to that person. If it is the opposite you will have ill will against him.
974. Keep in touch with God, somehow or other.
975. A son gives a little happiness but more sorrow.
976. In which attitude you think of God, God accepts you in the same attitude.
977. He is the rich one, who like Akroora, is honoured in the council of God. Those who are honoured by the world tend to become proud and that leads to their downfall.
978. Ordinary water is not suitable for washing our mind. Tears of love flowing out of our eyes incessantly will wash out the impurities of both mind and eyes.
979. Insulting others is a nefarious act. This is divine law. If a man commits sin using a particular sense organ, he will suffer sorrow on account of the same organ.
980. If a man’s mind is impure, that mind will be restless at the time of his death.
981. How should love be expressed? Learn this from the conduct of Bala Rama and Sree Krishna.
982. Intellect becomes crooked when it follows the senses. When it follows God, it becomes straight again.
983. Thakshaka, the serpent in the form death will come and bite every one. This will definitely happen on any one of the seven days of the week. When black hairs turn white, when teeth begin to fall, take it as a notice for the arrival of death. At least on receipt of notice from death, one must start worshipping God.
984. He is Kamsa, who enjoys pleasures by hurting others. Today their number is on the increase. Consequently, man has to face unending dangers on account of his desire, anger and other allied vices.
985. If your words and deeds are not alike, those words will have no power. The mistake of those who try to put Jnana (knowledge) into practice is this. They would hold discussions on spirituality while living in luxurious bungalows. This is not correct. Instead of putting too much theoretical knowledge into your head, it is better to put into practice whatever knowledge you have acquired. Whatever advice Lord Krishna had given to the world, He had put into practice all of them in His life.
986. What has man to do? He must serve godly persons having good spiritual power. Knowledge is achieved only through service. Knowledge acquired through one’s own efforts will generate egotism. On the other hand, knowledge achieved by the service of great men will give humility and discrimination.
987. Today teachers who should impart knowledge are living in luxury. So the students also live in luxury. But control of senses is essential for students.
988. Control of senses is the main factor for God-realization. If the student does not have this he cannot get knowledge. Therefore, develop control of senses and detachment. Having once given up any worldly pleasure, take care not to enjoy it again. It is equivalent to eating the spew.
989. A solemn atmosphere will purify the mind. Polluted atmosphere will likewise pollute the mind.
990. Jnana (knowledge) is not for preaching. True Jnanis(learned) will never be proud of their knowledge
.991. Love likes to remain concealed. However it automatically gets revealed very often.
992. Knowledge without Bhakti is worldliness only.
993. A Jnani(learned man) always speaks little. When Jnana(knowledge) is blessed by its mother Bhakti, Jnani becomes silent.
994. The so called Jnanis do not surrender themselves to God.Their mind is deluded by the thought that “I am a learned man”. Because of this feeling of pride, humility evades them. Good qualities will shine forth only when they are combined with humility. When pride is dominating in a person, only bad qualities will show up.
995. In union, we see with our external eyes; in separation we see with our mind’s eyes
(Continued to 10)

Thursday, March 12, 2009


The Ninth Skandha:
(Trnslation by Shri: P.N. Balakrishnan Nair)
:723. Those who make good use of the God-given gifts like time, wealth, strength etc. are Devas (god-like men).Those who misuse them are Rakshasas (demon-like men)
724. When there is lust in your mind, you can see only lust everywhere.
725. You should always maintain the limits of morality as exemplified by Lord Sri Rama.
726. When we emulate the example set by Mahatmas (great souls) our natural tendencies will subside. But the minutest tendencies deep-rooted in mind and intellect will still remain. Mind will become pure only by ultimate knowledge. Never entertain the feeling that your mind is pure.
727. Worship properly the Moon which is governing deity of the mind and SuryaNarayana (the sun-god) which is the governing deity of the intellect. The intellect gets easily purified for those who perform the worship at the three Sandhyas ( Sun-rise, mid-day and sunset)
728. Where there is Bhakti (devotion),there you get the protection of Jnana (knowledge) in the form of Sudarsana (the divine wheel of Vishnu)
729. A real Vaishnava(devotee of Lord Vishnu) will not see the faults of others. He will see his own faults again and again.
730. Those who pursue the course to attain God should totally avoid the company of lustful men and women. They should avoid the company of not only women, but also those men who always keep company with women.
731. It is difficult to develop Bhakti when you live among lustful and luxurious people. There is no reason for disappointment even if you don’t get the company of good men. But make it sure that you don’t get into the company of lustful men.
732. The woman who insults her husband by cruel words will be born as a female crow in her next birth.
733. When you build a house for you imagine that it is Ayodhya.If you live on the banks of the river of Bhakti your body also will become Ayodhya.
734. Human life is momentary. Remember this truth always and put on the garment of Bhakti. Humility is the ornament that adorns Bhakti.
735. Depend upon God only. Never depend upon your mind. If you depend upon your mind, your downfall is certain.
736. God always resides in those who try to make others happy and comfortable.
737. In grief, God’s sacred Names will give you great relief.
738. Both men and women should live within the moral limits prescribed for them.
739. Bhakti which disregards the Dharmic limits has no value and is useless.
740. If any person has all good qualities present in him, that person is none other than God.
741. Make all efforts to emulate all the good qualities of Lord Sri Rama in your life.
742. While man performs meritorious acts on one side, he commits sins also through the other side. So the ultimate result gets nullified.
743. Parents are visible forms of Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Narayana. So they should be worshipped with purity of thought, word and deed.
744. Man should strictly adhere to one wife in his life. A house-holder, who enjoys worldly pleasures in accordance with the moral code prescribed by the scriptures, is in effect a celibate person.
745. Being faultless is the quality of God. If you happen to see any fault in your Guru preceptor) that alone should not be emulated by you.
746. Women should not touch the feet of any man other than their husband, even if it happens to be a great man. They should prostrate before such people without touching their feet. This is the injunction of scriptures.
747. Never hurt the feelings of Mahatmas.
748. Every word in the Ramayana has the power to redeem our sins.
749. You must invariably give up enmity and hatred.
750. If you happen to speak or hear about drinking poison, recite the names of Rama with love. Then nectar will ooze from your throat and that will neutralize the poison.
751. You must regard elder brother as Rama and younger brothers as Bharata and Lakshmana.
752. Bharath is the land of action. Whatever action you perform here will definitely bear fruit
.753. What you think about others; that others will think about you too.
754. Love is not accepting something from others. Always giving is the sign of love. Love is broken when emotions, tendencies and selfishness crop up.
755. Those who wish to see others happy will never be unhappy.
756. Prarabdha (result of past actions) has necessarily to be suffered. But take care not to acquire new Prarabdha.
757. Detachment is to be kept within one’s own self. It is not to be displayed for convincing others.
758. If you want to be happy, you should first cultivate in yourself, contentment, forbearance, egalitarianism and the habit of doing good to others.
759. If you will respect everybody, your life will be as sweet as sugar-candy.
760. If the very sight of a person can change your character, that person is none other than God. If you can always think of Sri Rama, you can see the whole world as your mother.
761. Try to install God in your eyes, ears and face.
762. By worshipping and meditating on whom all your worldly desires subside, that person is God.
763. That intellect, which is deeply immersed in the thoughts of carnal pleasures, is blunt and life-less.
764. Those who are unable to live without thinking of God and worshipping Him are Vaishnavas(true devotees)
765. Diseases keep away from those who worship Tulasi plant daily.
766. One who makes others cry without cause is Ravana. He who boasts himself and compels others to praise his glories is also Ravana.
767. If there is no similarity between the habits of husband and wife their marriage cannot be successful. Marriage is the unification two minds dwelling in two different bodies.
768. When you praise the parents of your wife, she becomes happy. Similarly, if you love the world, you will be loved by the world.
769. When the hairs near your ears become grey, remember that you are approaching old age.7
70. There is no end for desires.
771. God forgives even the greatest mistakes committed by man.
772. Ultimate Truth is simple. But the worldly activities are complicated. So even while in the midst of activities, keep thinking of God.
773. Life is not beautiful without penance.
774. Cause of man’s happiness and unhappiness is his own actions.
775. The species in which a soul takes birth is dependent on its past actions.
776. The results of past actions must be endured inevitably.
777. Man’s life has to be bound by certain moral principles. A man whose life is unprincipled is worse than animal.
778. Too much of reading and understanding leads to pride. This is hindrance to Bhakti.
779. Those who are struggling in worldly matters are wasting their time and money. He who is reluctant to serve Lord Hari, wastes the whole of his life, doing only harm to others.
780. A man’s mind has to be tested with reference to his food and other habits. That is to say, your character can be guessed from your food and other habits.
781. If the worldly pleasures appear to you as sweet, you cannot have Bhakti.
782. Worldly pleasures by themselves are not harmful. Excessive desire for them is harmful.
783. Bhakti without detachment cannot thrive.
784. Vasana(tendencies), like Soorpanakha would appear beautiful in the beginning. Later it will reveal its true colour.
785. Worship of God is not for convincing others; but for pleasing only God.
786. Man cannot live without love. But, instead of loving God, man loves everything other than God and consequently he is subjected to terrible sorrow. Love of God can be developed by curtailing the love of worldly things little by little.
787. Without realizing one’s own faults, one cannot see God. Finding fault with others is an obstruction to the vision of God.
788. He who dies with a tendency to hate others cannot reach God’s abode. So take the vow that “I will not hate anyone”.
789. It is difficult to remain detached amongst the people attached to worldliness. Your eyes and body might commit sins unknowingly, however hard you may try to control them.
790. Recite the holy names of God and think of noble things before retiring to sleep at night and rising from bed in the morning.
791. It is a sin to insult food.
792. Showing insult or disrespect towards holy men will lead to total annihilation.
793. Avoid cooking food on Ekadasi day(eleventh day after a Full moon or New moon).
794. Try to be innocent and impervious like children.
795. Faults enter into our mind through the eyes. So keep a control over the eyes. Then life will become faultless.
796. It is good for house-holders to read Ayodhya Kanda in Ramayanam daily. That will be helpful to avoid quarrels in the house.
797. It is difficult to lead a peaceful life without spending a term in the forest. Therefore, go to some forest area on the bank of a river and spend one month every year worshipping God.
798. Neck does not become adorned by ornaments. The real ornaments that will adorn the neck are recital of God’s names and observance of celibacy.
799. Your old age will be glorious if you have controlled carnal desires in the youth. Efforts for uplifting the soul should start from younger days.
800. In spite of getting a human body, running after worldly pleasures is equivalent to exchanging nectar for poison.
801. Man’s desires and greed do not become old even in his old age. Tendency for enjoying pleasures does not diminish by enjoyment. It only increases just as fire in a pyre burns with more intensity when ghee is poured into it. In fact you are not enjoying pleasures; the pleasures are enjoying you. Greed does not reduce. You are getting reduced.
802. Listening to the stories of God can be a test for your defects. If you can shed tears of joy while hearing the stories of God, know that you are listening properly.
(To be continued)